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Shall we play a game?

Shall we play a game?

Affectionately referred to as a "nerdgasm" Ready Player One is the world wide best seller by Ernest Cline and now a movie by Steven Spielberg. It's 1980s pop culture references are a joy. The genius of the story is it will find young fans in the gaming community...


Life in the 21st century has been characterised by transformation.  The way we communicate, our ability to have global networks and the way we are shape and mould technology to our lives. We have computing power that was simply unimaginable a generation ago and unprecedented individual ability to build broad audiences and shape influence.


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“A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is. It’s what consumers tell each other it is.”

Social media, mobile internet, and global personal communications have changed the face of business forever. Industry has surrendered control of the agenda to the public, their consumers and customers. Your only option is to keep up. Get it right, and the opportunities are limitless. Get it wrong, and you will be publicly punished, your corporate voice lost in the chatter.

Ryan Hogarth, Author

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