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SOI Maciek

My guest on “Spheres of Influence” last night was Maciek Granicki, Mobility Lead for Gijima, one of South Africa’s largest ICT companies. He has been intimately involved with mobile since 2010.  You can listen to the podcast right here or download it for later listening

Starting the journey can be overwhelming.  Maciek’s advice is don’t want for your app to be perfect.  There is seldom a perfect time and your app will seldom be perfect enough to launch. Start now and get your user feedback and improve. Iterate again and again. It would be smart though to find a trusted partner, people who know the business, to help you through the journey.

There is a danger in Mobilising just for the sake of it. Get an app because is the hot new thing to do.  Understand what you are trying to do and accomplish by going mobile before embarking on the journey. Additionally, Maciek emphasises that in going mobile or producing an app you have to be led by your users or customers – the people who will be using it. The days of imposing a process or idea on uses don’t exist. When you understand what your users or customers need or want you’ll produce the technology that will be helpful and will be used. You will discover this as you get feedback and iterate.

Listen to the full interview and let me know your thoughts.